Slip, Trip, & Fall Accident Tips

Experience You Can Trust

If you were injured because of someone’s negligence, our personal injury attorney aggressively represents clients in slip, trip and fall injury cases. At Babbit, Mitchell & Ogle Law Firm, our OKC personal injury lawyers work individually with each of our clients to address specific needs that each client has in their respective case.

We all know that slipping, tripping, and falling can be quite embarrassing, especially when numerous people are around. However, when you are injured by the fall, and it was caused by another party’s negligence, the attention you get can be a good thing! All those people who saw it happen are your witnesses and, if they happened to get the accident on video, even better!

When you are in a slip-and-fall accident, the more witnesses to your injury, the stronger your case against the negligent property owner is likely to be. However, simply having witnesses to your fall does not guarantee that you will recover compensation, nor does it help you recover from your injuries. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney is the best way to recover the compensation you deserve.

Below are several tips to follow after you suffer a slip, trip, or fall injury to protect your claim for compensation and to ensure you get the proper medical treatment.

Obtain Medical Care

Slipping and falling in public can feel humiliating, and most people are tempted to escape the scene as quickly as possible, even if they are in physical pain. However, shock and adrenaline from the accident can mask the pain and the seriousness of the injuries. Thus, even if you do not think your injuries are serious, you should see a physician as soon as possible. Quickly getting x-rays or a diagnosis can not only link the injury to the fall accident, but it can also prevent your pain from worsening. These medical records are persuasive evidence for your injury claim.

File a Report of the Slip-and-Fall Accident

You should report the slip-and-fall accident to an employee, manager, or property owner as soon as possible. Do not leave the premises without properly documenting the event with management or the owner. If you leave without proper documentation of your accident and injuries, it can make it difficult for your personal injury lawyer to hold negligent parties liable. Most restaurants, stores, hotels, airports, and other public places have policies and procedures in place for document slip, trip, or fall accidents. Even if your request to document the event is initially refused, demand it!

Gather Evidence at the Scene of the Accident

Use your smartphone to video and take photos of the area where you were injured. Be sure to include any obstacles or hazards that may have caused your fall. You should also note if there are any signs indicating the hazard. If the cause of your fall was a wet surface, loose carpet, uneven flooring, broken steps, or any other unsafe condition, be sure to take close-up pictures and photos from several different angles to document the dangerous condition.

Obtain Witness Contact Information

If there are witnesses to your accident (including employees and the person you report the accident to), it is essential to gather their names and contact information. Having witnesses verify your account of the events is persuasive evidence to support your injury claim.

Write Down Your Account of What Occurred

While the event is still fresh in your mind, write down every detail of what happened. As time passes, your memory fades. Having a written account of the accident, including what you were doing before you fell, what you recall from the fall, people you spoke to, and any other details can help preserve the details you might later forget.

Do not Post on Social Media

You should not discuss the accident or your injury online. The property owner and its insurance company will look for ways to use your posts against you. Even a simple comment such as “I’m such a klutz!” could be used to reduce or deny you compensation.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney for Guidance

Helping our clients with various issues related to their case is what eliminates the stress for our clients and helps them return to their everyday lives. Our firm’s focus is to make sure that all our clients’ needs are met and that each of our clients is adequately compensated for their loss and pain and suffering. Contact us today!

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