Hopefully, you have read the first blog on this topic titled “Should I Ask When Choosing a Personal Injury Attorney? Part 1.” Below are additional questions you should ask to obtain the information you need to select the “right” attorney to represent you in your injury case:
1. Who will be my point of contact with your law firm? If I need to speak to you (my attorney) directly, how should I contact you?
You need to understand that your personal injury attorney has numerous clients and will not always be available to talk with you, but you should also have contact with your lawyer when you need it. Thus, having a contact person other than your lawyer is critical. You want someone who will provide you with updates on your case but who will also ensure that your lawyer contacts you when necessary.
2. What are your recent successes in personal injury cases?
Your personal injury attorney cannot provide specifics that could violate attorney/client privilege, but a general accounting of successes can be shared. You want to confirm that the lawyer has effectively handled settlement negotiations and trials.
3. How much do you think I can recover?
After hearing the facts of your case, a personal injury attorney should be able to give you an estimated range of the amount of compensation you will receive for the damages suffered. The lawyer should provide estimated amounts for medical expenses, pain/suffering, lost wages, and other available types of damages suffered. Of course, any estimate is a best guess because there may be unknown factors or evidence that impact your case, and every insurance company is different.
4. What are the chances the insurance company will offer to settle my case?
Insurance companies are known for making low-ball offers to settle injury cases. Insurance agents hope the injured party will be eager to get money and release their claims for a much lower amount than they deserve. You should never accept a settlement offer without discussing it with your personal injury attorney. An experienced lawyer will explain the negotiation process to you so you know what to expect.
5. If you do not settle my case, will you take it to court?
It is important to work with a lawyer who is experienced in litigating cases if it is necessary. You do not want to change lawyers if your case is not settled. Additionally, an insurance company is more likely to offer fair compensation if they know litigation is a real possibility.
6. If we must go to trial, does that change your attorney fees?
While most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, it is possible the percentage the attorney takes from your recovery may increase if the case goes to court. You should be fully informed of the contingency fee arrangement and how going to court impacts your recovery amount.
7. How long will it take to resolve my case?
Your personal injury attorney will not be able to answer this question because there are so many variables that impact every injury case. If your case is complex, it will typically take longer to resolve. Additionally, you will likely recover compensation quicker if your case settles.
You should not be shy about asking questions when you are hiring a personal injury attorney. The more information you can obtain, the more comfortable you will be with the lawyer you hire. Attorneys should expect to be questioned, so do not feel guilty asking about anything.
Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney for Guidance
Filing a personal injury claim can be stressful, time-consuming, and difficult to navigate without help. Schedule a consultation with an injury lawyer to discuss your case and learn your options for recovering the compensation you deserve. We are happy to answer all your questions.
If you were injured because of someone’s negligence, our personal injury attorney aggressively represents clients in injury cases. At Babbit, Mitchell & Ogle Law Firm, our OKC personal injury lawyers work individually with each of our clients to address specific needs that each client has in their respective case. Helping our clients with various issues related to their cases is what eliminates the stress for our clients and helps them return to their everyday lives. Our firm’s focus is to make sure that all our client’s needs are met and that each of our clients is adequately compensated for their loss, pain, and suffering. Contact us today!
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